This event brought to you by
The licentious and mischievous tale of the
Pickled Princess Pub
.............. at the Michiana Renaissance Festival ..............
Woe to the wanton princess,
quest for romance, lust for love.
Who got caught up in a pickle
getting pickled at the pub.
Alas our royal beauty watched
from the balcony of her keep
Mighty Sir Francis training below
The image echoed in her sleep
Her courses kept her busy
Noble teaching was unyielding
But whenever Francis passed close by
her heart was filled with yearning.
Then one night she caught a glimpse
of Francis walking by.
Radiant in his armored best
from the moonlight in the sky.
He stole a glance and winked and turned
then headed to the inn.
Her face grew flushed and eyes grew wide
as thoughts turned first to sin.
She grabbed her cloak and stole about
sneaking through the castle.
then through the hedge she tore her dress
but it was worth the hassle.
Her plan was simple straight and true
In it there was no weakness.
She'd sneak into the tavern glow
Disguising stately ways with meekness.
Here she'd win her noble knight
for that there was no doubt.
This warm and hearty happy place
to his heart would serve as route.
As she danced and sang and spun
and spirits filled with cheer
the people laughed, the music rang
hoisting many steins of beer.
Jokes were told and stories bold
as merchant mixed with noble.
In this glorious elated state
no single thought of trouble.
The night went on, the party rolled
The drinks maintained their flow
She was the center of the room
and had no urge to go.
The morning came too quickly
as she woke among the hay
In a barn she'd ended.
and next to her the Jester lay.
He sat up and looked and winked
then leaned real close to say
"I hope you had a good time."
then got up and ran away.
Woe to the wanton princess,
quest for romance, lust for love.
Who got caught up in a pickle
getting pickled at the pub.
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